Wednesday 26 August 2020

"The Soil" in Haiku - series #1

Hi guys,

I started a new series of poems about soils. It is called "The Soil" in Haiku. 

Haiku is an ancient form of  poem writing that originated in Japan. Haiku poems have three lines. The first and last lines comprise of five moras (syllables) while the middle line has seven moras, giving the poems a 5-7-5 form. 

Haikus are typically about nature. This first poem captures one of the ways organic residues persist in soils. I hope you like it. Enjoy! 

    Trapped in micropores

    where damp and microbes can't reach

    I'm recalcitrant 

                                                                TSIH #1


You can see ore collections of soil Haiku in the tab: "The Soil" in Haiku